Dissecting Match Metadata

This is a reference on match metadata captured in the local SQLite database.

MatchStats Table

Players Column

Structured as JSON. Array of players participating in a match. Every player has a number of attributes associated with them:

BotAttributesOnly applicable to players that were bots.
LastTeamIdNumeric identifier of the team the player was last on.
OutcomeNumeric identifier of the outcome of the match for a given player and their team.
1 - Tie
2 - Win
3 - Loss
4 - Did not finish
ParticipationInfoGeneral metadata about participation in the match. Includes:
- Time the player joined the match (FirstJoinedTime)
- Whether the player joined a match that was already played (JoinedInProgress)
- Time at which the player left the match if the player quit (LastLeaveTime)
- Whether the player left the match in progress (LeftInProgress)
- Whether the player was present at the start of the match (PresentAtBeginning)
- Whether the player was there when match completed (PresentAtCompletion)
- Time played.